Allen, James As a Man Thinketh | |
Asimov, Isaac Foundation | |
Aurelius, Marcus Meditations | |
Baudrillard, Jean Simulacra and Simulation | |
Becker, Ernest The Denial of Death | |
Bird, Kai American Prometheus | |
Bourdain, Anthony Kitchen Confidential | |
Bukowski, Charles Ham on Rye | |
Bukowski, Charles Post Office | |
Bukowski, Charles On Writing | |
Bush, Vannevar Pieces of the Action | |
Charnas, Dan Dilla Time | |
Chiang, Ted Stories of Your Life and Others | |
Churchill, Winston S. Never Give In! | |
Cixin, Liu The Dark Forest | |
Cixin, Liu The Three-Body Problem | |
Clason, George S. The Richest Man in Babylon | |
Coll, Steve Ghost Wars | |
Corasaniti, Nick I Don't Want to Go Home | |
Davidson, James Dale The Sovereign Individual | |
Dostoevsky, Fyodor The Brothers Karamazov | |
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Demons | |
Duhigg, Charles The Power of Habit | |
Durant, Will The Story of Philosophy | |
Durant, Will The Lessons of History | |
Feynman, Richard P. "What Do You Care What Other People Think?" | |
Feynman, Richard P. Six Easy Pieces | |
Feynman, Richard P. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! | |
Frankl, Viktor E. Man’s Search for Meaning | |
Gawande, Atul Being Mortal | |
Gertner, Jon The Idea Factory | |
Gibran, Kahlil The Prophet | |
Girard, René Resurrection from the Underground | |
Girard, René Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World | |
Gladwell, Malcolm Outliers | |
Gleick, James Genius | |
Gleick, James The Information | |
Graham, Benjamin The Intelligent Investor | |
Harari, Yuval Noah Sapiens | |
Hawking, Stephen A Brief History of Time | |
Helmer, Hamilton Wright 7 Powers | |
Herbert, Frank Dune | |
Herrigel, Eugen Zen in the Art of Archery | |
Hesse, Hermann Siddhartha | |
Holiday, Ryan The Obstacle Is the Way | |
Horowitz, Ben The Hard Thing About Hard Things | |
Jarvis, Paul Company Of One | |
Jr., Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterhouse-Five | |
Keefe, Patrick Radden Say Nothing | |
Kenny, Anthony Wittgenstein | |
King, Stephen On Writing | |
Krishnamurti, J. Freedom from the Known | |
Lovecraft, H.P. The Call of Cthulhu and Other Tales | |
Lovecraft, H.P. At the Mountains of Madness | |
Lovecraft, H.P. The Rats in the Walls | |
MacKay, Donald M. Information, mechanism and meaning | |
Mane, Gucci The Autobiography of Gucci Mane | |
McCartney, Paul The Lyrics | |
McConaughey, Matthew Greenlights | |
Morris, Benny Righteous Victims | |
Mukherjee, Siddhartha The Gene | |
Munger, Charles T. Poor Charlie’s Almanack | |
Newport, Cal So Good They Can't Ignore You | |
Nørretranders, Tor The User Illusion | |
Orwell, George Animal Farm | |
Orwell, George 1984 | |
Pearson, Taylor The End of Jobs | |
Poundstone, William Fortune's Formula | |
Ravikant, Kamal Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It | |
Review, Harvard Business On Emotional Intelligence | |
Rhodes, Richard The Making of the Atomic Bomb | |
Ridley, Matt Genome | |
Ries, Eric The Lean Startup | |
Sagan, Carl Cosmos | |
Sagan, Carl The Demon-Haunted World | |
Scott, James C. Seeing Like a State | |
Segrè, Gino The Pope of Physics | |
Seneca, Seneca On the Shortness of Life | |
Shirer, William L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich | |
Steinbeck, John East of Eden | |
Taibbi, Matt Hate Inc. | |
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas Antifragile | |
Thiel, Peter Zero to One | |
Tolstoy, Leo Anna Karenina | |
Towles, Amor A Gentleman in Moscow | |
Tsunetomo, Yamamoto Hagakure | |
Tzu, Lao Tao Te Ching | |
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana The Bhagavad Gita | |
Waldrop, M. Mitchell The Dream Machine | |
Walker, Matthew Why We Sleep | |
Watts, Alan W. The Way of Zen | |
Watts, Alan W. The Wisdom of Insecurity | |
Watts, Alan W. The Essential Alan Watts | |
Weizenbaum, Joseph Computer Power and Human Reason | |
Wiener, Norbert Cybernetics | |
Wilson, Edward O. On Human Nature | |
Wrangel, Pyotr Always with Honor | |
Wright, Lawrence The Looming Tower | |
Zanes, Warren Deliver Me from Nowhere | |